carthagods "The Monster In Me" album release Worldwide July 17th Quelle nouvelle choquante… R.I.P Mr Paul Di’An Publication 17980513664685440 Instagram Publication 18053789149621207 Instagram The full line-up for MENA ROCK Festival is now ann Publication 18115530643355203 Instagram Retour en photos sur notre dernière participation Thank you Soil Chronicles "Carthagods qui va donn The end of this summer's festivals.. But the good Always fun to spend some time with our brothers fr On parle de nous aux journaux français suite à n Today’s office…it’s a good day for heavy met Heading to France to blast some heavy metal at MOT Publication 18070578391392455 Instagram 1st Time in Slovenia was amazing, we thank the Met Just getting some sun energy before hitting the st And we’re heading to MetalDays Slovénie (Sloven After the blast we had in The Roman theatre of CAR Merci à toutes et tous pour cette soirée mémora Well, we’re now complete 🤘😉…let there be We are ready, what about you #carthagods #summerf Charger plus… Suivez sur Instagram